
2024-2025 Season Registration Starts September 1st

Registration Process

  1. U10/12, U14, U16/18 must have an active membership number from USSA.
  2. U10/12, U14, U16/18 must have an active membership number from NYSSRA.
  3. After you have your active memberships from USSA and NYSSRA, then register via the BMRC TeamSnap registration form:


  • U9 - $ 100
  • U10/12 - $ 200


Early bird discount: There will be a discount $100 when registering between 9/1 and 9/22/2024.

Late fees: There will be a late fee of $50 when registering after 10/15/2024.

Volunteer deposit: Each family is charged a $300 deposit upon enrollment. At the end of the season, this Deposit is refunded when volunteer commitments are met.

Training Equipment Deposit: Each athlete will be charged a $100 equipment deposit at registration. This will be refunded at the end of the season upon return of good working equipment.

Birth Year Program Name Registration Fee Notes
2015 & LaterU9TBD
2012 - 2014*U10/12TBD*2015 only with prior BMRC Experience/Approval
2010 - 2011U14 EveningTBD
2010 - 2011U14 AfternoonTBD
2006 - 2009U16/18+ EveningTBD
2006 - 2009U16/18+ AfternoonTBD
2006 - 2009U16/18+ LimitedTBD

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