race Information
To participate in NYSSRA races, athletes must follow the following process:
- Be a member of the New York State Ski Racing Association (NYSSRA) - https://nyssra.org/
- Be a member of the United States Ski Racing Association (USSA) - https://usskiandsnowboard.org/
- Register for a race via AdminSki - https://adminskiracing.com/
Please note that races will also be posted in TeamSnap calendars, but athletes must register in AdminSki to enter a race.
More information can be found in the Parent Guide, but a typical Race event schedule is the following.
Night before
- Prep your skis.
- Double check that all equipment is ready.
- Get a good night sleep.
race day
- 7:30 am- arrive at ski area, register (racer turns in bib deposit and gets race bib and lift ticket). Some areas require a “bib deposit” of $20 or a credit card. Parents can sometimes get discounted tickets as well.
- 8:00 am – dressed and ready to go.
- 8:15 am – meet with coaches and head up the hill for race course inspection.
- 9:00 am – after race course inspection racers should take at least 2 runs to warm up.
- 9:30 am- First run starts. It is critical that racers be at the top of the race course ready to go when it is their turn. While the race starts at 9:30, the last racer may not go until 11:30. The last racer does not have to wait 2 hours at the top of the hill but needs to keep a close eye on how the race is running so he/she is ready to go when his/her time comes.
- 12:00-12:30 pm racers get lunch while race course is reset for second run.
- 12:30 – 1:00 pm meet with coaches for second run course inspection.
- 1:00 – 1:30 pm second run starts.
- 3:30 pm – awards ceremony starts after race hill is cleaned up (the more people that help with clean up the sooner awards ceremony can begin).
helpful tips
- Pack a nutritious lunch and water.
- Post-season races: Bring checkbook if your racer may qualify for the next race.