Program Info


Ages 7 - 8


Ages 8 - 9


Ages 10 - 11


Ages 12 - 13


Ages 14 - 15


Ages 16+

U9 Training Program

U9 racers are 8 years old or younger as of December 31, (unless you have been in BMRC previously, and get an exemption from the club for U10 status). 6 years old and younger will require approval before joining. The U9 program does not require NYSSRA or USSS membership and therefore does not offer any races to the athletes other than the BMRC Aloha Series races that will be offered to all BMRC athletes at Bristol Mountain throughout the season. This program allows for inclusion in all preseason dryland training, the BMRC Christmas Camp, and regular training during the season on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Athletes that wish to join this program should be prior Bristol Mountain Forerunners participants, or able to comfortably ski the entire mountain.

NOTE: This program DOES NOT require NYSSRA & USSS memberships.

Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Dryland Training

Christmas Camp


Jeff Jenkins

Program Director

Alex Ross

Lead Coach

Eileen Radigan


U10/U12 Training Program

U10 racers are 8 and 9 years old, U12 racers are 10 and 11 years old. Racers 8 years old require prior approval to join the U10 program. U10 and U12 racers compete in the NYSSRA Council Cup Series (Kombi, Stubbi or Panel SL, GS, and Skills Events) for Genesee Valley Ski Council and then an end-of-the-season Regional Kandahar Festivals. U8’s are not allowed to race at Kandahar. The Regional Kandahar Festivals break NY State into 3 events (East, Central, and West). The West festival is held at either Holimont or Holiday Valley each year and is comprised of racers from the Niagara Frontier and Genesee Valley Ski Councils.

Top racers from the Council are eligible to participate at the Piche Memorial Race at Gunstock, NH which pulls racers from across the East Coast (12 states). U10, U12, and some U14 racers participate together in regular season NYSSRA Council Cup races.

NOTE: This program requires NYSSRA & USSS memberships, and a volunteer deposit.

Tuesday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm , Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Dryland Training

Christmas Camp


Jeff Jenkins

Program Director

Alex Ross

Lead Coach

Eileen Radigan


U14 Training Program

These racers are 12 and 13 years old and compete in the NY West Excelsior Cup (SL, GS, and SG). U14 racers may also compete in U14 States. Racers must participate in 2 days of SG camp in order to be eligible for State Championships. Top finishers in States qualify for the U14 Championships race held in VT, NH, or ME and then, potentially, to Can-Am Series.

U14 athletes who are new to ski racing and do not wish to try to qualify for NYSSRA State Championships may choose to race in the NYSSRA Council Cup Series with the U10/U12 age group (though this is generally not recommended). U14 athletes in the Excelsior Cup series do not race in the Council Cup Series.

U14 racers not participating in States may compete in U14 Kandahar Series. Regional Kandahar Festivals break NY State into 3 regions (East, Central, and West). The West festival is usually held at either Holimont or Holiday Valley each year and is comprised of racers from the Niagara Frontier and Genesee Valley Ski Councils.

NOTE: This program requires NYSSRA & USSS memberships, and a volunteer deposit.

Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm , Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Dryland Training

Christmas Camp


Jeff Jenkins

Program Director

Jeff Jenkins

Lead Coach

Darren Picciano


U16/U18 Training Program

U9 racers are 8 years old or younger as of December 31, (unless you have been in BMRC previously, and get an exemption from the club for U10 status). 6 years old and younger will require approval before joining. The U9 program does not require NYSSRA or USSS membership and therefore does not offer any races to the athletes other than the BMRC Aloha Series races that will be offered to all BMRC athletes at Bristol Mountain throughout the season. This program allows for inclusion in all preseason dryland training, the BMRC Christmas Camp, and regular training during the season on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Athletes that wish to join this program should be prior Bristol Mountain Forerunners participants, or able to comfortably ski the entire mountain.

NOTE: This program requires NYSSRA & USSS memberships, and a volunteer deposit.

Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm , Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Dryland Training

Christmas Camp


Jeff Jenkins

Program Director

Jeff Jenkins

Lead Coach

Aaron Blumkin


Introduction to the Afternoon Program


Ages 12 - 13


Ages 14 - 15


Ages 16+


Our afternoon training program is for committed and dedicated U14, U16, U18 and U21 athletes who want to maximize their training and racing potential with BMRC and have the school/family flexibility to train in the afternoon.

NOTE: All applicants for AP must either own, or have made arrangements to have use of, a SG-specific ski for the season.

Athletes interested in the Afternoon Program must contact Jeff Jenkins ( in order to be considered for the AP. Registration for all programs will open Sept 1st and only those authorized/accepted by pre-approval will be allowed to register for the AP.  All others will be able to register for the standard evening programs. For every season, BMRC may determine not to offer an Afternoon program. You may see information below for U14, and U16/18, but it may not be offered this year. Please contact Jeff with any questions.

U14 Criteria

This program is scheduled 3 days per week, Tuesday through Thursday, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Athletes will be expected to attend most of the scheduled sessions with missed days being the exception, not the rule. Failure to meet this requirement will result in athletes being ineligible for AP the following year. Additionally, disruptive and/or behavioral issues may result in an athlete’s removal from AP in the current season.

Space in this program will be limited. Athletes not meeting the above criteria may apply for special, discretionary consideration and be accepted only IF space is available.

U16-U21 Criteria

For the U16-21’s, the afternoon program will be available four days a week, Monday thru Thursday, with a three session per week minimum required commitment. Missed days should be the exception, not the rule. Monday and Thursday are mandatory training days for all afternoon program athletes. Athletes may choose between Tuesday and Wednesday, these days being very close in training content. This is to accommodate our high school racer’s schedules for both Monroe and Wayne leagues. However, note that this program is NOT meant to be an addition to high school racing/training! It is meant to be your primary focus with an allowance to participate in high school racing and represent your school. Athletes who choose to may attend all days if so desired. The afternoon program will begin at 3:30 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m.

Space in this program will be limited to approximately 15-18 athletes. There will be no automatic or guaranteed slots. Failure to meet attendance requirements will result in athletes being ineligible for AP the following year. Additionally, disruptive and/or behavioral issues may result in an athlete’s removal from AP in the current season.

Program Details

This is a program for a serious, committed athlete. What we are looking for in our afternoon program athletes is the desire to work hard in an effort to improve and achieve their own personal goals. Being in this program requires a serious commitment to training, in addition to increased attention to school and other off snow activities as the increased training schedule leaves less time for these important commitments. This program is not intended to be a high-pressure, results-oriented program solely intent on post-season results. We are interested in a racer’s total development. This includes everything from maturity and reaching for highly set goals to high performance in skiing and ski racing. This will be accomplished through a formal goal-setting process and a commitment to keeping a supervised training journal with the help of the coaching staff. We are not necessarily looking for just our best racers, we are looking for our most dedicated racers.

There has always been a high interest in participating in BMRC’s afternoon program. For this reason, we have an application process (see below). Due to the interest, and limited space, a good portion of the decision has to be based on an athlete’s racing and training history. In addition, significant weight will be given to a short racer’s essay, where the athlete gets the opportunity to talk about their personal goals and reasons for wanting to be in the afternoon program. There is absolutely no substitute for a highly motivated athlete who is willing to put forth the effort and take from the program everything they possibly can. This is more important than an “exceptional” current level of performance based on the USSA’s ladder system definition for a ski racer’s advancement.

It is very important to understand that the afternoon program will be training on a progression schedule that will be more seasonally vs. weekly focused. The progressions will prepare the athletes for all events and address the skills required for those events. It should be further understood that the afternoon program will not be primarily focused on the race schedule. It is our goal to prepare the athletes with the skills needed to be successful at all events at any time. Event schedules will be taken into account with the planning of progressions and the overall season to best prepare all athletes.

Finally, we’d like to make it known that every single racer in BMRC will receive nothing but our coaching staff’s very best, regardless of when they train. If an athlete is not in the afternoon program, that in no way means he or she will receive less attention from the coaches. All of our athletes receive 100% from the coaches! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact Jeff Jenkins (585) 455-8362 , e-mail

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